Search The Consultants List

This list consists of individuals who, based on the information they have provided, meet the minimum qualifications of a professional in the disciplines of Archaeology, Architectural History, Architecture, Historical Architecture, or History, as defined in the Secretary of Interior's Standards (36 CFR 61), and who have requested to be included in the list. It is not a listing of all individuals who qualify as professionals in these disciplines under the Secretary of Interior's Standards and does not constitute an endorsement of any listed individual or consulting firm by the Office of Historic Preservation or CHRIS Information Centers.

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Questions regarding this list should be directed to the list administrator at the Central Coast Information Center (CCoIC). You can also reach the CCoIC by phone at (805) 682-4711 ext. 181. Click here for information on adding a consultant to this list. For general questions about historic preservation in California, you may contact your local CHRIS Information Center.